Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sorry for the hiatus... now I am in the thick of marathon training

my apologies for my lack of posts.  my intention is to motivate people and banish all of the excuses, however I am not accomplishing that by not posting.  So again, I apologize.  

Since my last post, I have torn my hamstring, registered for two full marathons and a half and paced a half for a friend.  I also ran a 5k on the fourth of july and came in second!  I was shocked--I normally despise that distance but maybe I should reconsider. The half is the Bozeman half.  And Portland and Arizona are the fulls.  

How this happened I am still trying to figure out.  

I was really enjoying running for the sake of running and simply getting outside with my dogs.  I have also been doing the p90x3.  I began with Hubbee, however he is no longer doing it. (*angry face*).  I cleaned up my eating, no take out/delivery, etc.  and have dropped 16-18 pounds, depending on the day. I think with the construction of the studio, the late night eating, not taking the time to exercise as diligently created this gross layer of pudge... but once I got back on track the pudge went away very quickly.  I think my body was thankful to be back on track and able to work more efficiently.

So i am in the thick of marathon training... and really trying to remember why I am doing this again.  I told myself I wasn't going to run a full this year, alas, here I am with an 18 miler in my VERY near future.  My 16 was horrific.  I was pumped for it all day and then as I started out it began to thunder and lightning so to the treadmill I went.  I don't normally have an issue with the 'mill.  but friday I became hostile... every two miles I stretched because I could feel the hamstring tightening.  I think I shouldn't have done legs thursday and should have gone into long run from a rest day.  Lesson learned.  the whole process was miserable and not one part felt decent.  I wish I could say at the end I was elated it was done at least.  NOPE.  at the end I was hoping I didn't do serious damage to my hamstring AGAIN and wondering  how the f*%$ I was going to do 18... then a full.  I hate the downward mind spiral.

Saturday I did yoga and MMX, which is one of my faves. And iced the hamstring several times.  Sunday i just went on an easy bike ride and Monday was an easy 3 miler.  It was hot and hilly, but felt good.  Then hamstring ached.  so I iced.  tuesday was a rest day and here we are on wednesday and I am supposed to do 6... I think I am going to ride the bike for the time it would take me to run.  Today, after the rest day the hammie is feeling GREAT.  not even a twinge of tightness.  Do I run and risk it?  Do i play it safe? Am I being a wimp?  I really feel like I am in great shape and could pr in Portland, but not if my training is DONE ON A BICYCLE!!!!!!!

oh yes... i am supposed to be motivating... i guess the lesson is there is ALWAYS something you could do, even when injured.  Clean eating, stretch, ice, lessen the impact.  

I have to keep reminding myself, I want to run for as long as I can, not just for a specific event.  I am in this for the long haul...