Wednesday, March 8, 2017


It has been a year since my last post! tsk tsk shame on me!  That could, however, be an indicator that a) i am busy b) nothing too exciting has been happening c) both?  Since the last post i have run several races (half and full and everything in between) and travelled a bit... I am currently trying to decide if/which full to do in the summer/fall.  I was able to snag an exchange bib for sea wheeze (half) and i am excited to travel to vancouver again.  I am totally smitten with that city.  This coming saturday I am running the Run to the Pub 10k.  That is always a fun event and i am in the middle of making a green sparkly skirt to sport!  I have been enjoying running, even though most of it takes place on the treadmill.  I am thankful for this option.  I definitely do not refer to it as the dreadmill.  I also have been logging miles on my spin bike because of a nagging hamstring issue.  i had a slight tear 2.5 years ago.  it seemed to heal well and not cause issues until this last october.  Then in beginning of novemeber I ran a full up and over the colorado monument with a client.  it seemed pretty good, except my left glutes were definitely doing more than their share of the work... so i have been very cautious and doing all sorts of pt/chiro/massage etc.  now it only bothers me while sitting for long periods (i.e.: car rides).

While i am not currently training for a specific distance, i try to hit 15-20 miles per week of running (throwing in sprints/tempos/hills each week) and strength training (hitting all of the major muscles at least once per week, and pilates almost every day.  I still am planking everyday and practicing handstands and pull ups.  If I am not running the miles, i log the time on the bike.  i go for at least the time it would take to run the mileage and vary resistance/cadence etc.  i still follow a self drafted plan that i write out each month. i am VERY motivated to cross things off the list. if it isn't written down, odds are i may not get it done, or flounder and half ass it.  

What are you training for? if not in training, how do you maintain? Any recommendations on races?