Wednesday, January 9, 2019

a few days into the new year and the new challenge

So, how is it going?  have you at least done the challenge each day?  Has that motivated you to step up your game, or lay off the sugar?  All of the baby steps add up, and if you take them all at once, the changes happen sooner!  I understand the theory of one thing at a time, but i also believe in ripping off the band aid, you are simply delaying the inevitable...

i have added in more runs and 4 p90x3 workouts each week, and making sure i hit the reformer several time, even if only for ten minutes.  Feet in straps is my JAM!  As are the infinite possibility of lunges that are amazing. My father and i are training for the Snowjoke half marathon, and it is going well.  He hasn't done much running but is crushing the p90x3 workouts and some added strength training and doing the bike.  I think this is helping to build his base so he will be in better shape for running.  I am a firm believer that you get in shape to run, you don't run to get in shape! it is a high impact activity and your body needs build up to that intensity.

I hope everyone is crushing there goals and feeling GREAT!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

new year, new challenge!

well, i can't be that helpful to people if i am only posting 1-3 times per year.  So new year=new attempt at frequent blogging.  i realize some people are phasing blog posting out, and putting it all on the ig, but i don't like making long posts there, and i have missed this format of sharing/writing and i personally still love my morning coffee time reading blog posts.  

So here we are on jan 1, 2019... i personally don't believe in resolutions for the new year. i feel that if you want to make a change, make it.  don't wait. get on it!!  life is short, why waste time for some random societal date?  But if you are moved to try something new/different/get back on a band wagon around this time of year, great!  This concept of re-surging my blog literally occurred to me about four minutes ago.  So here i am at 11:10 on the first attempting to be better at something! Personally, this year was a fitness mediocre/lackluster blah year.  i ran some races, did some workouts but wasn't totally into it.  We had my nana living with us for 8 months.  It was an amazing time, and she did workouts too, but i felt weird pushing myself with her watching (plus she sometimes got a wild hair and would attempt to follow my lead **TRX pushups, for example!**) And she could only last so long and would attempt to head back to the house (not safe for her faltering frame) so i would go inside with her, and i loved the time we had to visit.  She was only supposed to be around for a week or two, so i felt like out time was precious and the 1-2 weeks turned into a month, then two, then it was almost christmas!  But now that she has headed back east, i have been getting back into my groove and upping the intensity again.  To ease back into it, i have been doing circuits and intervals.  They go by quickly, and keep it interesting.  I also took the time on new years eve to fill out the first two months of my workout planner.  I think this is KEY.  Now again for the people in the back, SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUTS LIKE APPOINTMENTS.  The whole excuse of not having enough time is bogus. Ten minutes is better than nothing.  Another small way to dip your toe into the water is a daily challenge.  last year my friend, Erin and i partook (is that a word?) in Kira Stokes and Candace Bure's 50 push up per day challenge on instagram.  it was amazing!  you could do it any way you needed to do it, knees, toes, counter, tricep, wide, trx etc.  So we have started our own challenge this year:  1:30 wall sit (break it up if you must--feel yourself get stronger!) and 25 on the toes push ups.  And you can break that up too, 5's, 15/10 etc. JUST DO IT!  baby steps count!  And when performing these two tasks regularly, you will notice the improvement so fast, and maybe that will inspire you to maybe do a plank... or make a circuit with jumping jacks, or jump rope, or tread mill, etc.  IT ALL COUNTS! So if you are wanting to commit to something, try this challenge! Let me know if you are game, and check in and let me know how it is going.

Happy New Year!