Monday, January 13, 2014

Mid January Check in and a reminder to sieze every moment!

I am just curious as to how everyone is following their workout schedules?  Sticking to the plan?  How is the food logging?  Any progress yet?  If you have fallen off the wagon already, dust yourself off and get back on!  A bad morning doesn't have to follow you through the day and a bad day doesn't have to make for a bad week.  

I am following the NTC get lean advanced program and it has added running.  It is a very manageable amount of exercise to fit into my life right now.  The studio is about a week shy of completion which completely amazes and boggles my mind! I can't wait to post some pics!  I feel so fortunate that this is happening.  I have had this vision for years, and that it is becoming a reality still feels surreal.  I couldn't have done it without my Hubbee, his dad, and some amazing friends and obviously super clients!  Thank you!!!! 

We received some tragic news this weekend.  My husband's cousin was in a fatal car accident.  I can't imagine what his family is going through, his wife and his son who is barely a teenager, along with three adult sons and a new grand baby... It reduced my husband to sobs when it finally set in.  I know we hear all the time, that one never knows when their time is up.  Speak your truths and live each day to its capacity.  Don't procrastinate, especially when it comes to sharing your feelings with loved ones.  

How are you going to seize this day?

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