Wednesday, January 22, 2014

NTC week!

If you are on twitter you must be aware it is #NTCweek.  The challenge is two-a-days either via the app (which i am certain that by now, you are logging the minutes!;)), or by live sessions in major cities.  I do not live near any live sessions but I have been trying to participate virtually.  My working out has been very minimal since most of my free time has been spent finishing up the new studio.  We are at the end stages and I can actually help during this part, so i have been trying to do my part.  Even with this tight schedule, I have been able to fit in a workout at lunch and a 15 minute one in the evening.  It feels good to be doing SOMETHING.  Also, Karen Poole (@superwomankw) is hosting a challenge for january. #ntcjanuary14 is the hashtag, along with this week using the hashtag #NTCweek. There are PRIZES!! :)

Two points I wanted to make during this post:  one, use the NTC app.  It is so amazingly user friendly and there is a lot of variety.  The second is that even with super busy hectic schedules, you can eek out SOMETHING!!!  I work approximately 12 hours and am lucky if I have a lunch hour, yet I have been at least fitting in a quick 2 miler with Wrigley and a few ntc sessions.  I get it; sometimes after a long day you want to plop on the couch and zone out.  But if you haven't already done your workout, opt for a quick 15 minute NTC session, or a quick mile or two on the treadmill (hey you could still watch tv!).  Sometimes after you get your blood pumping you will be motivated to do more, but i guarantee you won't regret getting it done, but you will regret not doing it. 

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