Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A workout routine to add to the mix

I hope everyone is reaching their goals, or at least making some headway.  I thought i would share a workout that hits the entire body and feels GREAT!

The first one involves the TRX.  I think this is such a universal piece of equipment and worth every penny and then some.  Plus, it travels well, too.  with the over the door attachment you can take it anywhere!  Almost every TRX move is a variation of a plank, so even if it is an arm exercise, you will also being working your core and legs as well.  Remember when performing the exercises, to keep your glutes engaged, belly button pulling in towards your spine, and shoulders pulling back and down, even when working with arms in front of you.  you never snake through a movement, just as when performing planks/pushups on the mat, you would never snake either!!  
I like to always do a warm up.  i have a routine that hits most of the major muscles and joints and also has a balancing component and preps the body to run or lift.  you can also walk/run and then perform these exercises.  
perform 15 of each, and if one sided, its 15/side.
1. standing windmills 
2. TRX pushups
3. TRX rows with lower body in table position
4. TRX single leg superman
5. TRX single leg lunge
6. TRX Triceps
7. TRX single leg squat with forward kick
8. TRX bent leg pikes/tucks (when feeling strong, go for the straight leg version)
9. TRX ham curls
Go through 2x.  you can also run half a mile or 1 mile ( or spin or row or elliptical) before/middle/post to create an excellent circuit!

if you don't have the TRX (get one) you can perform these exercises on their own, in standard fashion with or with out weights. for the pikes or tucks you can use a towel on a slippery floor or plates on carpet.  If you try this, let me know how it goes! 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sweaty Saturday!


How was your week?  Did you hit your goals? still crushing the resolutions? I have completed several great workouts this week.  they were challenging but doable and i felt great, especially on the run portion.  

     Today, i also had a client complete her 3rd marathon!!  i was so excited for her.  She killed her training, she hasn't had an issue with some niggling injuries, and she was feeling mentally and physically strong.  Her race was in southern california, and at sea level.  That was a strong bonus coming from elevation.  
Then the weather took a turn.  

Due to weather, no spectators.

She watched her sub 4 go by... but she finished. It wasn't her slowest, but it wasn't the PR she had hoped.  But when i asked her if she wanted to try again, without hesitation, she responded, "oh yes."  I know she was also thinking she could possibly bust out a BQ if everything lined up... so when she said yes, it made my heart sing.  I am sooooooooo proud of her.  And after my few successful runs, i am now searching for a full.  hahaha! not the most logical, but meh... sometimes that is how i roll.  For reference, I decided to run my first full after a 7 mile run with some ladies in our town.  That was the furthest i had ever run. I decided it felt great, and i loved "long" distance. hahahahhhahahahah 7 isn't truly long... this i now know. But i do like long runs. it takes me 3-5 miles to warm up, so 8-16 is ideal for me. My point is, that one day of running can make or break it, and you just hope that that day isn't a race day.  i am a bit heart broken that she didn't crush her goal, we live in a place with wind/rain/elements etc, but I know some people need the crowd energy and other racers to help pull them along.  I think for her next race we will discuss some tactics and possibly how to choose events that at least have some of what you need, if it is crowds/more racers etc. this event was small, and maybe that isn't great for her.  I am such an in my head runner, you could drop me on an isolated island and if there are fuel stations, porta potties in case, I'm good! I also think she lives by her watch, so maybe have her do some runs more on feel.  Running by the watch zaps energy, and when running long distance you need all of your energy.  Also, i think she needed to have a more solid base.  she signed up for this race to get herself back to running.  I really feel that if you want to pr you need to have the base, then begin the plan.  of course one can train and be successful for a full in 16 weeks, but most people need the base.  Especially, since she doesn't necessarily cross train or maintain a level of fitness when not running.  These are factors i will try to encourage and enforce the next go around. Run and learn.

So in my search, i found a Runrevel full in chilliwack BC.  Has anyone done any run revel race? Has anyone done this one inparticular? Any info would be great!! Tomorrow is Sunday, a great day to end/start a successful workout week!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How are those resolutions going?

So... we are about 8 weeks into the new year.  How is everyone doing with their resolutions? Have you stuck to it 75% of the time? Have you totally fallen off track? Is anyone partaking in the #elizabethanderin2019 challenge?  I have been doing great keeping up with that challenge, 25 on the toes pushups and a 1:30 wall sit.  i often use that as part of my warm up for whatever workout is on the agenda for the day.  If you have fallen off track was is due to illness? so many terrible bugs going around. or were you bored? do you have enough variety in your plan?  My issue is the opposite of that.  i don't have enough time to do all of the workouts i want to be doing! :)  I am really enjoying running right now, and also seriously upping my reformer routine, which has been feeling great.  Plus, the pops and i are doing p90x3 workouts 3-5x/week.  I also totally admire/respect Kira Stokes and she has come out with a fitness app.  i haven't pulled the trigger yet, because i did buy a package of her workouts and there are about 8 on there that i throw into my rotation, but i am sure i will be subscribing to the app-her workouts are so thorough, and concise and the cues are spot on!  Another app i did a trial run was the Anna Kaiser one.  Also, EXCELLENT.  it is different than what i normally do, it is cardio dance with some strength moves sprinkled in.  It does, however, have some excellent treadmill routines too.  And the dances are broken down and super fun. this app is around 35$/month which is a little pricey... the Stoked app is $15.  But both seem great. There are lots of apps out there, and some are FREE! So if boredom is an issue maybe try one of these.  

how has the nutrition side of wellness been going?  Do you use an app for that? i still am a fan of MyFitnessPal.  it is free, and has a great library and can be accessed from the computer or app on the phone and they sync.  i personally needed to cut back on sugar.  I have been doing better, but not great.  The hubbee did buy me a few fahhhhhhncy chocolate bars for valentine's day, and i have eaten a few bites each day. not great, but at least i have been pacing myself.  MODERFUCKINGRATION!

There are also some fun challenges on the Nike running app.  They have a variety of distances that are very doable. But they are motivating and helping me hit my goals.  

Let me know if you try any of the fitness apps or have any others to recommend! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

a few days into the new year and the new challenge

So, how is it going?  have you at least done the challenge each day?  Has that motivated you to step up your game, or lay off the sugar?  All of the baby steps add up, and if you take them all at once, the changes happen sooner!  I understand the theory of one thing at a time, but i also believe in ripping off the band aid, you are simply delaying the inevitable...

i have added in more runs and 4 p90x3 workouts each week, and making sure i hit the reformer several time, even if only for ten minutes.  Feet in straps is my JAM!  As are the infinite possibility of lunges that are amazing. My father and i are training for the Snowjoke half marathon, and it is going well.  He hasn't done much running but is crushing the p90x3 workouts and some added strength training and doing the bike.  I think this is helping to build his base so he will be in better shape for running.  I am a firm believer that you get in shape to run, you don't run to get in shape! it is a high impact activity and your body needs build up to that intensity.

I hope everyone is crushing there goals and feeling GREAT!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

new year, new challenge!

well, i can't be that helpful to people if i am only posting 1-3 times per year.  So new year=new attempt at frequent blogging.  i realize some people are phasing blog posting out, and putting it all on the ig, but i don't like making long posts there, and i have missed this format of sharing/writing and i personally still love my morning coffee time reading blog posts.  

So here we are on jan 1, 2019... i personally don't believe in resolutions for the new year. i feel that if you want to make a change, make it.  don't wait. get on it!!  life is short, why waste time for some random societal date?  But if you are moved to try something new/different/get back on a band wagon around this time of year, great!  This concept of re-surging my blog literally occurred to me about four minutes ago.  So here i am at 11:10 on the first attempting to be better at something! Personally, this year was a fitness mediocre/lackluster blah year.  i ran some races, did some workouts but wasn't totally into it.  We had my nana living with us for 8 months.  It was an amazing time, and she did workouts too, but i felt weird pushing myself with her watching (plus she sometimes got a wild hair and would attempt to follow my lead **TRX pushups, for example!**) And she could only last so long and would attempt to head back to the house (not safe for her faltering frame) so i would go inside with her, and i loved the time we had to visit.  She was only supposed to be around for a week or two, so i felt like out time was precious and the 1-2 weeks turned into a month, then two, then it was almost christmas!  But now that she has headed back east, i have been getting back into my groove and upping the intensity again.  To ease back into it, i have been doing circuits and intervals.  They go by quickly, and keep it interesting.  I also took the time on new years eve to fill out the first two months of my workout planner.  I think this is KEY.  Now again for the people in the back, SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUTS LIKE APPOINTMENTS.  The whole excuse of not having enough time is bogus. Ten minutes is better than nothing.  Another small way to dip your toe into the water is a daily challenge.  last year my friend, Erin and i partook (is that a word?) in Kira Stokes and Candace Bure's 50 push up per day challenge on instagram.  it was amazing!  you could do it any way you needed to do it, knees, toes, counter, tricep, wide, trx etc.  So we have started our own challenge this year:  1:30 wall sit (break it up if you must--feel yourself get stronger!) and 25 on the toes push ups.  And you can break that up too, 5's, 15/10 etc. JUST DO IT!  baby steps count!  And when performing these two tasks regularly, you will notice the improvement so fast, and maybe that will inspire you to maybe do a plank... or make a circuit with jumping jacks, or jump rope, or tread mill, etc.  IT ALL COUNTS! So if you are wanting to commit to something, try this challenge! Let me know if you are game, and check in and let me know how it is going.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Green Drinks!

I was asked by a few people on instagram for some green drink recipes.  I am not a recipe person.  I use a recipe as a jumping off point.  Also, my green drinks are not smoothies, not necessarily a meal replacement, and are not JUICE.  I use them as a quick, easy way to consume lots of veggies.  I mostly use spinach (approx 4-6 cups) as my base.  It is a nutrient dense green, and i personally crave it.  I always keep ginger root in the freezer so i peel off a few slivers or chunk, and I then add whatever we have on hand, carrots, a celery stalk, several grape tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, etc.  Then i choose one fruit.  Pineapple is my fave, but you can do half of an apple, a handful of berries, half of a banana, an orange, etc.  The possibilities are infinite.  I add 3-4 ice cubes, about 1/4 cup of water and then blend.  Mint is a delicious thing to add, just a few leaves and it makes it very refreshing. Very rarely will i add plain yogurt.  I try to keep mine low in calories.  You may add protein or peanut butter to yours if you intend to use it as a meal replacement.  The piece of fruit makes it sweet and taste like a treat.  Sometimes the color is atrocious, but they always taste delicious!  You can play around with adding cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, etc.  Also, if you want it creamier with out adding dairy, you can add half of an avocado.  This makes it smooth and a bit thicker/richer.

In full disclosure, i do not do a green drink every day, but try to have at least several per week.  I tend to go back and forth from protein shake and green drink.  I do notice, however, that when i am consuming them regularly, i don't hit the afternoon slump and it helps curb cravings etc.  You can add seeds, and oils etc.  I personally don't like seeds/nuts, but i have added flaxseed oil to mine, here and there and it is an easy way to consume it.  Also, I have a vitamix.  I think it is one of my most favorite kitchen gadgets.  There are no funky lumps or chunks.  I also like blending vs. juicing because you are still consuming the fiber, not just sugars.  I know some blenders won't blend certain items so use caution!

Do you have any unique items you add to yours?

Friday, April 7, 2017

Weekends are not for falling off track!

The weekend is here!  Any fun plans?  I am all for changing up the routine on the weekend, but that doesn't mean falling off the workout/clean eating wagon.  Maybe try a class that you can't make it to during the week? Or stream a new workout.  And just because it is the weekend, that doesn't mean you should stop food logging or being mindful about what you are eating (and drinking!).  Also, don't forget to plan and prep meals for the week ahead.  You want to set yourself up for success.  

Are weekends harder or easier than mid week for you to stay on task?  Or are you a weekend warrior and do double duty workouts on the weekends and slack off during the week?  Are you a plank-a-day'er? do you continue this on the weekends?  

If you you have an event where you know you will be consuming more than normal, try to eat a salad before heading out, drink lots of water, and that day beef up your workout (go longer/increase intensity)  I know you can't out exercise a bad diet, but calories in vs calories out and every bit helps.  Plus, when you have worked hard, maybe you won't want to negate that and you will make smart choices.