Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Green Drinks!

I was asked by a few people on instagram for some green drink recipes.  I am not a recipe person.  I use a recipe as a jumping off point.  Also, my green drinks are not smoothies, not necessarily a meal replacement, and are not JUICE.  I use them as a quick, easy way to consume lots of veggies.  I mostly use spinach (approx 4-6 cups) as my base.  It is a nutrient dense green, and i personally crave it.  I always keep ginger root in the freezer so i peel off a few slivers or chunk, and I then add whatever we have on hand, carrots, a celery stalk, several grape tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, etc.  Then i choose one fruit.  Pineapple is my fave, but you can do half of an apple, a handful of berries, half of a banana, an orange, etc.  The possibilities are infinite.  I add 3-4 ice cubes, about 1/4 cup of water and then blend.  Mint is a delicious thing to add, just a few leaves and it makes it very refreshing. Very rarely will i add plain yogurt.  I try to keep mine low in calories.  You may add protein or peanut butter to yours if you intend to use it as a meal replacement.  The piece of fruit makes it sweet and taste like a treat.  Sometimes the color is atrocious, but they always taste delicious!  You can play around with adding cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, etc.  Also, if you want it creamier with out adding dairy, you can add half of an avocado.  This makes it smooth and a bit thicker/richer.

In full disclosure, i do not do a green drink every day, but try to have at least several per week.  I tend to go back and forth from protein shake and green drink.  I do notice, however, that when i am consuming them regularly, i don't hit the afternoon slump and it helps curb cravings etc.  You can add seeds, and oils etc.  I personally don't like seeds/nuts, but i have added flaxseed oil to mine, here and there and it is an easy way to consume it.  Also, I have a vitamix.  I think it is one of my most favorite kitchen gadgets.  There are no funky lumps or chunks.  I also like blending vs. juicing because you are still consuming the fiber, not just sugars.  I know some blenders won't blend certain items so use caution!

Do you have any unique items you add to yours?

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