Monday, April 3, 2017

monday motivation

yes yes mondays are tough, if you are a mon-thur/fri worker... but it is so important to not miss a monday workout.  It sets the tone for the rest of the week.  Even if you are dragging, do a plank until failure, wall sit until failure and 15 pushups.  At least it is something!  Also getting the blood circulating can help pep you up so if you are dragging do some air squats, jumping jacks, lunge dips, desk pushups, just MOVE!!!  This is all the more important if you have a desk/sedentary job.  set a timer on computer/phone/watch for every 20-60 min and perform 20 air squats, 10 lunges per leg and 10 plies.  Also check in with your posture frequently: shoulders back and down, head right over shoulders, not protracting forward, breathing through navel, pulling that belly button in on each exhale, and squeezing through ribs as you exhale (imagine an accordion). These mini workouts can really add up and get you through your monday!

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