Monday, February 10, 2014

still on the challenge

I did three workouts saturday (day 4) to make up for my not so clean eating friday night.  I loved the barre workout I did, plus it was leg day according to the plan and then after going to the movie, Sunny and I did our cardio.  We alternated treadmill/elliptical every 5 minutes.  it was a lot of fun and broke up the time.  We did sprints, hills, etc.  Yesterday was the full body workout and of course, the 45 minutes of cardio. I did half the time on the treadmill and the other half on the elliptical.  

Today, I did not get the workout done :(.  I worked from 8-8 and i was hoping i would have more energy after work, but I don't.  I will definitely get it done tomorrow.  And i stayed with the clean eating. I will add an extra day to the challenge, too.

What is on your workout schedule this week?  If you are having a hard time staying motivated, try something new.  A new class, dvd, intervals, etc.  

Saturday, February 8, 2014

day 3 & 4 of challenge

Oops.  time escaped me yesterday and I didn't have enough time to post.  I did both workouts yesterday: the full body strength training (did it in 1:10 can't seem to break that even though David Kirsch claims it can be done in 45), and 45 minutes on the treadmill.  I broke it up by running 4 min and walking 1 at incline of 8.  It helps the time go by and changes up the working muscles.  I weighed in yesterday and SUCCESS!!  I was down 3 pounds and 1.5% body fat.  aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhuuuuuaaaa  angels singing.  However, last night we had an Opening Ceremonies party at Sunny's and I fell off the clean eating wagon.  i don't feel horribly guilty, however, since today I am back at it and am planning on doing an extra workout.  I am going to do the legs/core strength training on DK plan and treadmill but also am going to do an hour barre workout.  I received a dvd I ordered and can't wait to try it.  Yesterday I could see more definition in my arms/shoulders and that is motivating!!  

Lesson to be learned:  don't beat yourself up too bad for falling off track--just get back on ASAP.  And maybe penance, like doing an extra workout or add more time to your cardio etc. ?!?! 

This challenge is great, because you aren't hungry.  It is a challenge for some to fit in the workouts, but remember it's for two weeks--so if you have to get up early, or stay up a bit later it is only for two weeks.  And I guarantee by the end of two weeks you will have found time in your schedule to make it work.  And you will see how you CAN fit in working out.  And you can be full eating clean.  It is a great re-boot mentally and physically.  And his workouts have unique moves that are easy to learn but, challenging and effective.  i can't say enough good about this!!  

what is on your saturday workout agenda?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

day 2 of challenge

Yesterday I did the treadmill for 30 minutes (run 4 walk 1) and then the spinning bike for 15 and the Full body workout from The New York Ultimate Body Plan by David Kirsch.  I can really feel it today in my midsection front and back.  Not in a bad way, mind you, just that I worked muscles that have been neglected for some time.  It doesn't hurt that I have a glorious new studio in which to do my workouts.  Even though it has been ridiculously cold here (negative 31 today with WIND) the studio has great windows that let in the sunlight.  The food part of the challenge is going well so far.  I have spinach salads with tuna or salmon or boiled chicken and broccoli and peppers with my homemade dressing (red wine vinegar and smidge of grey poupon mustard and fresh garlic). After the workout I had a protein shake. And for dinner a spinach salad with veggies and roasted chicken breast, and cole slaw I made with red wine vinegar and pepper.  I felt full and was craving sugar before bed but I had a cup of tea and it passed.  

Today's workout is 45 minutes of cardio and a core  workout.  I am looking forward to it! This strength training workout is only a 15 minute one, so it won't be as time consuming as yesterday.  Tomorrow will be full body again with cardio and then saturday is leg and core (again 15 minutes) with cardio.  So every other day the time frame changes.  I think I am going to make some vegetable soup in the crock pot.  With these temps, it will be perfect.

I also want to try the new NTC yoga workout they released yesterday.  It too is 15 minutes and looks great.  Has anyone done it yet?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Starting a 2 week Challenge

I did this a few years ago and felt great.  Since I have been barely eeking out 30 minute workouts with the final stages of the studio construction, I really want to get back at it.  I am following the David Kirsch New York Body Plan.  It is all about clean eating, 45 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of strength training.  It is for two weeks. You can do anything for two weeks!!  I love the book because it has delicious recipes and he combats every excuse you could imagine.  This isn't gimmicky; it isn't drastic; it is do-able and very healthy.  Apparently there is a video that goes with the book for the strength training workout, but the book has the entire workout and is very easy to follow.  I have the book on my kindle and it is easy to reference.  I am excited to start this today and will be posting about it for the next two weeks.  

The food plan is NO A B C D E and F's.  no alcohol, no bread, no carbs, no dairy, no extra sweets/fats, no fruits.  You also do two protein shakes per day.  It would be hard to hit your needed caloric intake without them.  It is essentially lean meats and veggies.  You are allowed one tablespoon of olive oil for cooking and making your own salad dressing for the day.  When I did this the last time, i wasn't hungry.  I did miss cream in my coffee but I added a bit of protein powder and it was actually very good.  Day three for whatever reason was tough... but after that it felt GREAT!  I understand it is hard to fit in an hour and a half of activity a day -- but for two weeks and phenomenal results it is worth it.  

Anyone else in?  Has anyone else done this?  Let me know!  My motto is safety in numbers so let's try this together!