Thursday, February 6, 2014

day 2 of challenge

Yesterday I did the treadmill for 30 minutes (run 4 walk 1) and then the spinning bike for 15 and the Full body workout from The New York Ultimate Body Plan by David Kirsch.  I can really feel it today in my midsection front and back.  Not in a bad way, mind you, just that I worked muscles that have been neglected for some time.  It doesn't hurt that I have a glorious new studio in which to do my workouts.  Even though it has been ridiculously cold here (negative 31 today with WIND) the studio has great windows that let in the sunlight.  The food part of the challenge is going well so far.  I have spinach salads with tuna or salmon or boiled chicken and broccoli and peppers with my homemade dressing (red wine vinegar and smidge of grey poupon mustard and fresh garlic). After the workout I had a protein shake. And for dinner a spinach salad with veggies and roasted chicken breast, and cole slaw I made with red wine vinegar and pepper.  I felt full and was craving sugar before bed but I had a cup of tea and it passed.  

Today's workout is 45 minutes of cardio and a core  workout.  I am looking forward to it! This strength training workout is only a 15 minute one, so it won't be as time consuming as yesterday.  Tomorrow will be full body again with cardio and then saturday is leg and core (again 15 minutes) with cardio.  So every other day the time frame changes.  I think I am going to make some vegetable soup in the crock pot.  With these temps, it will be perfect.

I also want to try the new NTC yoga workout they released yesterday.  It too is 15 minutes and looks great.  Has anyone done it yet?

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