Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3 "short on time" workouts

I have a friend who is struggling a bit getting her workouts done.  (I am not throwing you under the bus friend!!  This is a common issue and just trying to offer some solutions!!) She works a 12 hour day and wants to get the workout done in the am.  So i created 3 circuit style workouts that take less than 20 minutes.  NO EXCUSES!  You could do these modifying the treadmill speeds to suit your needs.
Workout 1:
treadmill 3mph/4 incline 1 min (easy pace/uphill)
20 bicep curls -- hit failure by 20
treadmill 3/5 inchline 1 min (should be huffing)
15 biceps -- go heavier than first set and drop down if necc
treadmill 3mph/6 incline 1 min(should be huffing!)
10 biceps -- heaviest

treadmill 5 mph 1 min 0 incline
20 squats with 20# dbs
treadmill 4.5 mph 2incline (jogging/uphill)
20 squats with 20# dbs
treadmill 5 mph 0 incline 1 min (jog)

25 jumping jacks -- good ones--hands meet at top--not just flailing arms!
10 push ups
25 jumping jacks
20 shoulder presses
25 jumping jacks
10 push ups
25 jumping jacks
15 shoulder press (heavier)
25 jumping jacks
10 push ups
25 jumping jacks
10 presses (heaviest!)

20 flat crunches
10 bicycles per side
plank til failure--time yourself.

Good work!!! :)

Workout 2:
2 min on treadmill easy warm up
side lying leg lifts, top leg, push through heel, and turn toe down towards mat-20 reps,
then put top leg to back (knee bent)
20 inner thigh lifts--again pushing through heel and toe turned down towards mat
repeat 3 times then switch to other side
2 min on treadmill 3 mph 4 incline (easy pace/hill)
10 tricep push ups
20 step ups/leg with knee raise -- your choice as to weights or not
3 sets
2 min on treadmill 5 mph 2 min (easyish jog)
1 min 3 mph cool down

workout 3:
3 min on tread 3 mph (easy walk)
20 flat crunches
10 roll ups
20 butt lifts (legs to ceiling--it is as though your trying to touch heels to ceiling)
3 min on treadmill 4.5 mph (easy jog)
20/side cherry pickers (abs--not your military ones!! :))
10/side oblique crunches
20/side bicycles
3 min on treadmill 4.5 mph
plank 'til failure (time it)
swimming (face down opp arm and leg raise, look to fingers, then look to mat as you lower)10/side
10 roll ups
FYI:  flat crunches are simply legs crossed, lay back flat, hands by ears and exhale as you lift shoulders off mat, chin to ceiling, inhale as you lower.  That is it! :)
cherry pickers are legs straight up in the air perpendicular to your torso, reach opposite hand towards opposing ankle.  Be sure to lift entire shoulder blade off the mat!

These workouts require minimal equiptment, and minimal time.  Since they are short, they should be intense.  You can always repeat the workout to increase the time.  

Hope this gets you moving!!

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