Saturday, March 8, 2014

working out while on vacation

One of the things I love about being on vacation is that I have ample time for getting my workout completed.  We were in Hawaii for ten days and I only had one day that I didn't complete a workout.  It was fantastic to run outside with shorts and a tank top.  I also utilized the on site gym which was actually fantastic.  Several times I did my barre dvd by using my laptop.  Doing my workouts made me feel a bit more confident having to put on a bathing suit every day!! :)

I was quite proud of my runs on my vacation, although short ones, I kept my miles at sub 8s!!  It certainly was the lack of elevation--but I will take it! 

While on vacation it is a great opportunity to run in a new place (you can run/walk anywhere) try a new class or new activity.  A vacation does not mean vacation from taking care of yourself.  Plus, for me, the workout was a great time I had to myself.  And since I stayed on track with my workouts, it kept me on track with eating too.  

Do you stay on track while on vacation?  

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