Tuesday, March 11, 2014

it is all about creating a habit...

Sometimes you are going along fine, getting your workouts done, eating alright and then you are BAM! Derailed.  Sometimes the derailing is only a few days, sometimes you realize it after a few months or longer.  Either way, you have got to get back on the train.  So instead of wasting the time it takes to berate yourself, use that time wisely.  Get moving!  Start planning on your calendar your workouts.  

Make it doable.  

If it has been a while, start small. Start with 20 min/day.  If you feel like doing more after 20, go ahead, but don't go crazy the first day or two and over do it so you can't do anything the next day.  The first few weeks it is re-establishing the habit.   After a few weeks it becomes what you do.  Once you have established your routine/habit you can start increasing the time and intensity.  

While you are at it, start your food log again.  My recommendation for this is MYFITNESSPAL app.  It is available on smartphones and on the computer.  It is extremely user friendly and has a huge database of foods and activities.  It will guide you as to how much you should be eating to lose weight, maintain etc.  depending upon the goals you enter.  

Some people feel as though they should start one new thing at a time, however if you are going to "suffer" (to use the term some clients do) by having to workout, you might as well fuel your body for the workouts, and get all your "suffering" over with at once by ditching the processed foods.  And while I am on the subject, change your thought process too.  You are not "having to workout", you get to.  You want to.  You are doing your body/mind/soul good.  Change your words, it changes your thoughts, even if you have to fake it 'til you make it.

They (the professionals that conduct studies) claim it takes 3 weeks to create a habit.  So plan to make it through 3 weeks and reward yourself. NOT WITH FOOD!  Reward yourself with a massage, a new workout outfit, or take a new class, or a pedicure, or even a lipstick. It doesn't have to be expensive, but acknowledge and reward your good behavior.  And be honest with yourself, don't reward half-assed behavior.  

If you are having a tough time scheduling in your workouts, maybe you need to set up a daily reward system where you can't get on the computer/play games/clean house/etc until post workout.  These are common "excuses" for procrastinating a workout.  And trust me, after the workout you will have more energy to clean your house, then you can zone out to Pinterest! :)

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