Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Not sure what to plan?

I have touted the NTC app before.  Nike Training Club.  And now they have updated it and you can create a plan (choose lean, toned, strong) and with three levels, beginner, intermediate, advanced.  And now you can link up with the Nike+ running app.  So if you are unsure of what to plan for workouts when i say to SCHEDULE them, plan this.  This app is free, it is very user friendly and has videos of how to do the moves, you can play your music with it, etc.  It is a no brainer.  I personally am beginning the Get Lean 30 day advanced program.

Go to the app store on your phone (now available in all formats) and download this app and get your rear in gear!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My MUST HAVES for fitness

In this day with so much technology, it can be so overwhelming to begin a fitness program.  Do you have a GPS watch? A heart monitor?  The latest and greatest shoes? Technical fabric clothing? Are you taking the hottest new class?  There is a lot to think about and a lot of ways to start.  But it can be simple. 

 You need decent sneakers.  These can make or break how long you stay committed.  If your shoes hurt/cause blisters then you won't be putting them back on.  So go to your local running or sporting goods store and buy appropriate shoes for your activity and budget.  I like running and various cross training, and I have worn Nike all my life so I am loving the nike Lunar glides and the nike Free's for training.  I need more support and stability than a minimal shoe, but also like it light weight.

Buy GOOD socks.  You want some socks that fit right, that won't bunch up under foot, and have wicking properties.  I like my Nike Dri-Fits and Balega socks.  THese both work really well for me.  

Similar to the socks, you want clothing that you feel comfortable in (to motivate you to put it on!) and you may want it to have some wicking properties too, and quick dry etc.  I have some favorite companies based on fit and performance.  I love Nike legend dri fit ANYTHING.  I have the shorts, the capris, the leggings and love them all.  They have a flattering waist band, the fabric fits snug without creating bulges, it stays put too.  I also like Running skirts and skirt sports item.  Their sizes vary from product though, so be sure to read notes, they are great about letting you know how items run on their sites.  I also have a pair of Aaluuka leggings with an attached short skirt (more of a bum wrap) and these are AWESOME!  I wear them on colder running days, or at the studio, or casually.  They fit well, are flattering, stay put, and wash and dry great.  

Tops will have a lot of variety.  I like some technical fabrics, but some retain odors.  I have lots of Nike dri-fit tees and these are great because they don't feel/look like technical tees.  They look and feel like soft cotton, but they perform.  I have several Nike element dri fit long sleeve tops that have half zip and thumbholes.  these are staples for me that I wear almost everyday.  I am also a HUGE fan of the Nike sports bras.  I am not well endowed however so if one is, I would suggest moving comfort.  They have a clasp feature and aren't simply a pull over.  I do have a Victoria's Secret sports bra that is very flattering.  It has molded cups and so it doesn't create the pancake or uni-boob effect.  It also has held up while running a marathon.  I have several lululemmon items, and love everything I have.  I do feel you must try their stuff on at first to determine your size.  Although pricey, my lulu stuff has held up great and is very flattering.

This is all plenty to get you out the door or to a class.  However of course to help keep you going are the gadgets.  I have two gps watches and love both for various reasons.  I have a garmin and it is GREAT.  However i love the motivation from Nike+ so I love that my Nike gps connects to that.  Also the battery on my Nike watch lasts much longer.  You don't need to invest in a watch to be successful, their are lots of apps on smart phones that work just as well (Nike+, run it fast, etc).

I am also having a blast with my Fuelbandse.  It not only shows fuel earned but now you can see how many hours you were active (be active for 5 min every hour to "win the hour").  

Music.  I must have music at certain times.  I love the ipod because with my gps watch I don't need to carry the phone and I love my ipod that clips to my clothing.  No armbands here.  some people use their phone for all of this: gps, music, safety.  My battery didn't last very long while running all of this.  I have the nano ipod that looks like the shuffle but has a touch screen.  a lot of people didn't like this one and apple went back to the longer body (i had a later edition that died so I bought this from a friend).  I love it!  for running you can still have playlists, unlike shuffle, but you can simply double tap the button and it skips the song.  You don't have to illuminate screen, hit icon and hope you didn't bump something else, etc.  I love that it clips.  it weighs next to nothing and works great for me.  

These are my must haves.  Yours may differ.  But if you are a newbie, then begin with the basics.  And you can use new items for motivation.  For example, instead of rewarding yourself with food for hitting all your workouts this month, buy yourself a new pair of workout pants or a workout outfit.  When I receive new items it makes me want to put them on and put them to use! 

good luck and let me know how it's going!

Friday, December 27, 2013


so... did you stumble upon this blog while surfing the web to kill time?  to look for motivation?  Have you already checked facebook and Pinterest for new posts?  If you are finding it hard to find the time to workout, but you are on the computer for more than a half hour/day and it's not for work, GET THE F*&% OUT OF YOUR CHAIR AND START MARCHING.  If this is a daily struggle for you to fit in at least a 30 minute workout but you know what everyone is up to online, then you need to challenge yourself to not log on until you have done your workout.  Then after your workout, you too will have something to post!! :)

Sometimes the goal to "get in shape", "lose 20, 30, 100 pounds," is too daunting.  One needs to set smaller, more quickly attainable goals.  And part of that is creating the habit.  If you have a goal to improve your fitness, then obviously your habits need changing.  Some things are going to have to go (soda, chips, sweets every day--not anymore!).  And some things that we don't even realize are "bad" for lack of a better word.  Like, losing hours to the computer.  Is it really helping you achieve your goals?  So far apparently not.  I know it is inspiring to see motivation quotes and fitness routines, but unless they have you printing it out immediately and moving your body--are they all that inspiring?

A way to see where you may need tweaking is to begin a time log.  Log what you do during every half hour of every day.  At first you don't even have to make changes.  Just simply log (like with the food log i know you are doing).  Then you can look at it and really be honest and evaluate what can be shifted.  Maybe none.  In that case you will need to adjust when you either wake up or go to bed.  But I bet most people will find where they can squeeze in a 30 min workout.  DVR your favorite tv show and watch it while you do your workout.  Or if you really want to watch tv, then do your activity while watching.  If you don't have cardio equipment to do while watching tv, create a circuit or check out a previous post that has an equipment free circuit to do anywhere! http://moderfuckingration.blogspot.com/2013/12/indoor-no-equipment-workout.html

If you are really having a challenging time fitting in a 30 minute workout, then fit in 2- 15 minute workouts.  It is way less miserable to set alarm 15 minutes earlier than a half hour!

Do you have a New Year's resolution?  Does it revolve around fitness?  I have decided I am not having a resolution (i haven't in years).  I sign up for a few races.  That keeps me accountable.  Maybe this can work for you as well.  Set a goal of where you would like to be in a) one month b) three months c) six months and d) by christmas next year.  THese can be weight, or how many miles you can run, or how many miles/week, or how many push ups you do every day, or push ups on your toes, etc.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Holiday Fueling

How is everyone holding up during this holiday season?  Are you sticking to your SCHEDULED WORKOUTS?  Remember, make it like an appointment.  Put it right in your planner.  You know this time of year is hectic so don't set yourself up for failure, plan for success.  Even a heart-pounding 20 minute sweat sesh is better than no sweat sesh.  Or break it up into two ten minutes, or two 20 minute sessions.  Whatever works in your plan.  Nothing will help you manage your stress better than getting that workout DONE!  And while doing your workout you can create the days game plan, or next day etc.  It is the best present you can give yourself.

Now, how is everyone doing nutrition wise?  I hope you are fueling your bodies for your workouts and not going over-board with the sweets.  Have a bite, or one cookie--but don't make a meal of them.  And if you did--then don't overly chastise yourself and begin again.  Don't have the attitude of all or nothing.  You can wreck an entire weeks worth of calories by turning a relapse into a day long downward spiral.  so you ate too many treats.  get a grip.  and get back on the wellness wagon.  

Some tips for success are:  don't bring those triggers into your home.  if they aren't around you can't mindlessly eat them.  And loved ones that try to bring to you--politely refuse.  If they love/care for you they will understand.  If they don't, pass on to a neighbor or THROW THEM OUT!!!  I stick items in the freezer--out of sight out of mind.  And i hate frozen treats--some people like their cookies/candies chilled so this won't work for everyone.  At the work place, bring your own healthy snacks/foods and then maybe have A SINGLE treat.  But when you are full (with your healthy food you brought) you will be less likely to cave.  And you know how all of these items taste.  It is not like you have never had them before, or will never have them again.  

Hope you are all doing great and having a wonderful holiday season!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Gift ideas for fit freaks!

If you have someone on your christmas list that is into fitness, help keep them going with some gear.  Be careful about buying fitness themed items if the person hasn't expressed interest--that could be taken the wrong way!! :)

Some of my must haves:

Nike Lunar glides!! These kicks are great!  They are light weight, yet supportive.  I also love the Flyknits too, but not for long distance runs.  On the Nike vein, I also love ANY of the legend fit bottoms.  They have shorts, capris and tights.  They all have a very flattering wide waist band, made of a great supporting fabric.  I am also loving my Nike+ GPS watch.  It has a long lasting battery, is user-friendly and a fabulous tool.  Another fun piece of gear is the Nike Fuelbandse.  One can partake in challenges, and daily reach their goal.  It is very motivating!

Another piece of gear that come in handy, compression socks.  They now come in a variety of colors and themes and are great for long runs, recovery, etc.  I like C.E.P brand, and Procompression.  Procompression often has great codes for 40% off. I am also obsessed with my BALEGA running socks.  They have perfect padding and fit superb.  They don't lose shape, even during long distance mid summer runs!

Arm warmers are another great gift item.  I love my black nike ones and I also have great ones from Oiselle.  Oiselle is a great company that makes fabulous running gear for women.  The ROGA shorts are also excellent. I am currently wishing for their infinity scarf

Your fitness minded loved ones also need to fuel themselves.  So a gift like the Magic bullet or Vitamix would be great.  Also on a smaller, budget friendly scale: shot blox, gu, sport's beans, Nuun (currently loving the grape flavor!), PocketFuel, etc.  Some of these items have added caffeine for an extra boost!

Yurbuds are my go-to ear bud choice.  They are comfortable, sound great and have a lifetime warranty.  Can't go wrong there! An iTunes gift card is always a welcomed prezzie--new music is motivating.

Any of these items would help motivate your fitness peep!  Show your support and keep them motivated this holiday season.

Friday, December 13, 2013

eeking it out

Lately, i have not been feeling it...  i think it was burnout from running two marathons close together.  There was no down time and top that off with moving into a new house, etc.  There was no time for any other activity except to get that run in.  I love variety.  I love running.  I need the variety to balance it out and I really think it keeps me injury free.  I battled a shin issue while training for the second marathon this year and that was followed with a half two weeks later so it was a stressful time.  I have enjoyed two runs since july.  Like really enjoyed, got goose bumps it felt so awesome, enjoyed.  One was the friday after thanksgiving.  we had unseasonably warm weather and it was just gorgeous to be out.  The second was yesterday.  My pace wasn't super fast, but it was just feeling GREAT!  

Now just because I wasn't feeling it doesn't mean I wasn't doing it.  I would change it up how I could:  do a circuit/add hills/sprints, etc.  After the marathons I did a lot of spinning and NTC and didn't run--but I wasn't a sloth. When I am pushed for time or having a hard time logging cardio I create a circuit.  Anywhere from 1-5 minutes of cardio and then alternate with abs, legs or arm exercises.  I figure i can always get through at least a minute... 

And remember something is better than nothing!!

Also--some days are just HARD!  I have been at this since I was a kid and some days just suck.  It is how it is.  But know that you will come out on the other side feeling soooo much better.  And this too shall pass.  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Indoor no equipment workout

Since it is sub zero here and has been since Monday, I figured I would post a quick, equipment free workout.

begin with 20 calf raises, 20 knee raises, 20 forward kicks/side, 20 side kicks/side, 20 kicks to the back/side

25 jumping jacks
45 second plank on forearms
25 high knee runs/leg
40 second side plank, each side
25 running butt kicks/leg
45 second straight arm plank
20 jumping squats
20 bicycles (20 to each side)
15 push ups (as many as you can on toes before going to modified.  Always begin on toes!)
5 roll ups
20 jumping plies
10 tricep/pilates push ups (elbows graze rib cage throughout entire movement)

repeat 2-3 times.  minimal rest in between each exercise.  Remember to think about form (no knees going past the toes in any exercise, especially control your landing with jumping ones). Keep that belly button pulled in throughout all of exercises to protect low back.  Any questions let me know and let me know how it goes! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Are you in it for the looooong haul?

I hate when people come to me and want to lose weight for an event.  When the event arrives--whether they have met their goal or not--their mind has moved on.  I believe it should be about a lifestyle.  I think it is much less daunting to think I can have the cookie later.  I don't need it today, but it is not NEVER.  When you begin to make smarter choices,  you are creating habits.  You are creating cleaner eating habits, exercise habits, sleep habits, etc.  When you are beginning to make these changes it helps to log so you learn your triggers, what foods fuel you better for your workouts or which foods do NOT work well for pre-workout, etc.  Some people sleep better if they exercise at certain times of the day.  The log can help with all of these.  

Some people get on the fitness/clean eating train for an event but then realize how great they feel, etc. and they stay on it, however that is rare.  I do believe in "whatever gets you moving," but I just hope it keeps you moving.  So if you are losing weight for an event, think past it too.  I.E.: a reunion; if your going to one, think about the ones to follow.  A wedding, think about kids/grandkids, being able to keep up and lead by example, etc.  Also, when you are thinking long term, it is much easier if you fall off to get back on.  One day of bad eating won't sabotage the rest of your life, but it will a ten day diet.  Isn't that less daunting?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere...

I hope to create a blog that helps motivate people to make healthy, lifelong choices.  I will never say "no more cookies or chips" but I will not condone eating the entire bag, or eating them every day.  I am a personal trainer, pilates instructor and massage therapist.  I deal with people all day every day.  I have worked with seniors, new moms, menopausal women, an olympic hopeful in tae kwon do, people with varying injuries, varying degrees of experience with exercise.  I have encountered most of the excuses, lack of motivation, all or nothing attitudes... 

It is not rocket science people.  It is basic math.  I am tired of the gimmicky diet fads; i am tired of the extremes.  It is all about:


I believe that if you are "on the stick" 80-90% of the time, you will have success and feel better.  My first piece of advice is:  food log.  there are so many apps out there that make this super simple.  I like MY FITNESS PAL.  it is easy to use and has a great library of food items and preparations, etc.  Also it has an extensive exercise selection to help determine what you have burned.  It may be accessed from your computer and/or smart phone so it is very handy.  You don't even have to make changes, just start logging.  I guarantee when you see in front of you in black and white you will begin to make some changes.  Be honest.  If you are swallowing, you had better be logging.  Every sip.  Every bite.  

I am here to help!  Feel free to ask me questions or let me know your progress!