Friday, December 27, 2013


so... did you stumble upon this blog while surfing the web to kill time?  to look for motivation?  Have you already checked facebook and Pinterest for new posts?  If you are finding it hard to find the time to workout, but you are on the computer for more than a half hour/day and it's not for work, GET THE F*&% OUT OF YOUR CHAIR AND START MARCHING.  If this is a daily struggle for you to fit in at least a 30 minute workout but you know what everyone is up to online, then you need to challenge yourself to not log on until you have done your workout.  Then after your workout, you too will have something to post!! :)

Sometimes the goal to "get in shape", "lose 20, 30, 100 pounds," is too daunting.  One needs to set smaller, more quickly attainable goals.  And part of that is creating the habit.  If you have a goal to improve your fitness, then obviously your habits need changing.  Some things are going to have to go (soda, chips, sweets every day--not anymore!).  And some things that we don't even realize are "bad" for lack of a better word.  Like, losing hours to the computer.  Is it really helping you achieve your goals?  So far apparently not.  I know it is inspiring to see motivation quotes and fitness routines, but unless they have you printing it out immediately and moving your body--are they all that inspiring?

A way to see where you may need tweaking is to begin a time log.  Log what you do during every half hour of every day.  At first you don't even have to make changes.  Just simply log (like with the food log i know you are doing).  Then you can look at it and really be honest and evaluate what can be shifted.  Maybe none.  In that case you will need to adjust when you either wake up or go to bed.  But I bet most people will find where they can squeeze in a 30 min workout.  DVR your favorite tv show and watch it while you do your workout.  Or if you really want to watch tv, then do your activity while watching.  If you don't have cardio equipment to do while watching tv, create a circuit or check out a previous post that has an equipment free circuit to do anywhere!

If you are really having a challenging time fitting in a 30 minute workout, then fit in 2- 15 minute workouts.  It is way less miserable to set alarm 15 minutes earlier than a half hour!

Do you have a New Year's resolution?  Does it revolve around fitness?  I have decided I am not having a resolution (i haven't in years).  I sign up for a few races.  That keeps me accountable.  Maybe this can work for you as well.  Set a goal of where you would like to be in a) one month b) three months c) six months and d) by christmas next year.  THese can be weight, or how many miles you can run, or how many miles/week, or how many push ups you do every day, or push ups on your toes, etc.  

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