Friday, December 6, 2013

Are you in it for the looooong haul?

I hate when people come to me and want to lose weight for an event.  When the event arrives--whether they have met their goal or not--their mind has moved on.  I believe it should be about a lifestyle.  I think it is much less daunting to think I can have the cookie later.  I don't need it today, but it is not NEVER.  When you begin to make smarter choices,  you are creating habits.  You are creating cleaner eating habits, exercise habits, sleep habits, etc.  When you are beginning to make these changes it helps to log so you learn your triggers, what foods fuel you better for your workouts or which foods do NOT work well for pre-workout, etc.  Some people sleep better if they exercise at certain times of the day.  The log can help with all of these.  

Some people get on the fitness/clean eating train for an event but then realize how great they feel, etc. and they stay on it, however that is rare.  I do believe in "whatever gets you moving," but I just hope it keeps you moving.  So if you are losing weight for an event, think past it too.  I.E.: a reunion; if your going to one, think about the ones to follow.  A wedding, think about kids/grandkids, being able to keep up and lead by example, etc.  Also, when you are thinking long term, it is much easier if you fall off to get back on.  One day of bad eating won't sabotage the rest of your life, but it will a ten day diet.  Isn't that less daunting?

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