Friday, December 13, 2013

eeking it out

Lately, i have not been feeling it...  i think it was burnout from running two marathons close together.  There was no down time and top that off with moving into a new house, etc.  There was no time for any other activity except to get that run in.  I love variety.  I love running.  I need the variety to balance it out and I really think it keeps me injury free.  I battled a shin issue while training for the second marathon this year and that was followed with a half two weeks later so it was a stressful time.  I have enjoyed two runs since july.  Like really enjoyed, got goose bumps it felt so awesome, enjoyed.  One was the friday after thanksgiving.  we had unseasonably warm weather and it was just gorgeous to be out.  The second was yesterday.  My pace wasn't super fast, but it was just feeling GREAT!  

Now just because I wasn't feeling it doesn't mean I wasn't doing it.  I would change it up how I could:  do a circuit/add hills/sprints, etc.  After the marathons I did a lot of spinning and NTC and didn't run--but I wasn't a sloth. When I am pushed for time or having a hard time logging cardio I create a circuit.  Anywhere from 1-5 minutes of cardio and then alternate with abs, legs or arm exercises.  I figure i can always get through at least a minute... 

And remember something is better than nothing!!

Also--some days are just HARD!  I have been at this since I was a kid and some days just suck.  It is how it is.  But know that you will come out on the other side feeling soooo much better.  And this too shall pass.  

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