Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Holiday Fueling

How is everyone holding up during this holiday season?  Are you sticking to your SCHEDULED WORKOUTS?  Remember, make it like an appointment.  Put it right in your planner.  You know this time of year is hectic so don't set yourself up for failure, plan for success.  Even a heart-pounding 20 minute sweat sesh is better than no sweat sesh.  Or break it up into two ten minutes, or two 20 minute sessions.  Whatever works in your plan.  Nothing will help you manage your stress better than getting that workout DONE!  And while doing your workout you can create the days game plan, or next day etc.  It is the best present you can give yourself.

Now, how is everyone doing nutrition wise?  I hope you are fueling your bodies for your workouts and not going over-board with the sweets.  Have a bite, or one cookie--but don't make a meal of them.  And if you did--then don't overly chastise yourself and begin again.  Don't have the attitude of all or nothing.  You can wreck an entire weeks worth of calories by turning a relapse into a day long downward spiral.  so you ate too many treats.  get a grip.  and get back on the wellness wagon.  

Some tips for success are:  don't bring those triggers into your home.  if they aren't around you can't mindlessly eat them.  And loved ones that try to bring to you--politely refuse.  If they love/care for you they will understand.  If they don't, pass on to a neighbor or THROW THEM OUT!!!  I stick items in the freezer--out of sight out of mind.  And i hate frozen treats--some people like their cookies/candies chilled so this won't work for everyone.  At the work place, bring your own healthy snacks/foods and then maybe have A SINGLE treat.  But when you are full (with your healthy food you brought) you will be less likely to cave.  And you know how all of these items taste.  It is not like you have never had them before, or will never have them again.  

Hope you are all doing great and having a wonderful holiday season!

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