Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sorry for the hiatus... now I am in the thick of marathon training

my apologies for my lack of posts.  my intention is to motivate people and banish all of the excuses, however I am not accomplishing that by not posting.  So again, I apologize.  

Since my last post, I have torn my hamstring, registered for two full marathons and a half and paced a half for a friend.  I also ran a 5k on the fourth of july and came in second!  I was shocked--I normally despise that distance but maybe I should reconsider. The half is the Bozeman half.  And Portland and Arizona are the fulls.  

How this happened I am still trying to figure out.  

I was really enjoying running for the sake of running and simply getting outside with my dogs.  I have also been doing the p90x3.  I began with Hubbee, however he is no longer doing it. (*angry face*).  I cleaned up my eating, no take out/delivery, etc.  and have dropped 16-18 pounds, depending on the day. I think with the construction of the studio, the late night eating, not taking the time to exercise as diligently created this gross layer of pudge... but once I got back on track the pudge went away very quickly.  I think my body was thankful to be back on track and able to work more efficiently.

So i am in the thick of marathon training... and really trying to remember why I am doing this again.  I told myself I wasn't going to run a full this year, alas, here I am with an 18 miler in my VERY near future.  My 16 was horrific.  I was pumped for it all day and then as I started out it began to thunder and lightning so to the treadmill I went.  I don't normally have an issue with the 'mill.  but friday I became hostile... every two miles I stretched because I could feel the hamstring tightening.  I think I shouldn't have done legs thursday and should have gone into long run from a rest day.  Lesson learned.  the whole process was miserable and not one part felt decent.  I wish I could say at the end I was elated it was done at least.  NOPE.  at the end I was hoping I didn't do serious damage to my hamstring AGAIN and wondering  how the f*%$ I was going to do 18... then a full.  I hate the downward mind spiral.

Saturday I did yoga and MMX, which is one of my faves. And iced the hamstring several times.  Sunday i just went on an easy bike ride and Monday was an easy 3 miler.  It was hot and hilly, but felt good.  Then hamstring ached.  so I iced.  tuesday was a rest day and here we are on wednesday and I am supposed to do 6... I think I am going to ride the bike for the time it would take me to run.  Today, after the rest day the hammie is feeling GREAT.  not even a twinge of tightness.  Do I run and risk it?  Do i play it safe? Am I being a wimp?  I really feel like I am in great shape and could pr in Portland, but not if my training is DONE ON A BICYCLE!!!!!!!

oh yes... i am supposed to be motivating... i guess the lesson is there is ALWAYS something you could do, even when injured.  Clean eating, stretch, ice, lessen the impact.  

I have to keep reminding myself, I want to run for as long as I can, not just for a specific event.  I am in this for the long haul... 

Monday, May 5, 2014

RRCA convention Spokane

This past week I attended the RRCA annual convention and the coaching certification cohort.  It was an informative course with two great instructors, Cari and Randy.  It was lovely to leave a 28 degree Montana and arrive in 76 degree Spokane.  In the coaching cert class, I was the only one that was not part of a group/club/organization.  Part of my plan is to implement one in Livingston and also I would like to start a youth program that runs more consistently, not just several weeks out of the year.  There were all "levels" of runners in the group as well.  I dislike the term levels, but from lack of sleep my brain isn't functioning enough to come up with the appropriate word.  Alas, i digress...  It was interesting to have the different strengths in the class, long distance vs. speed etc.  

Upon attending the convention/social part of the weekend, people inevitably began discussing times.  As runners, we are for the most part numbers people, I get it.  But as Randy mentioned several times in class, "We are all running from something, some people just faster than others."  This thought kept popping into my head when people discussed their times.  I personally have never been this out of shape in my life.  I am at the end (thanks for motivating me runners!) of a running hiatus and just had a very busy winter.  Some people make excuses for others times, "they don't have kids, work blah blah..."  It all comes down to choices.  And what you are running from... (again with the preposition at the end of the sentence, sorry).  Maybe that faster person isn't in such a "happy" place and therefore they are eeking out positives from their running?  You chose to have children, so that is an invalid excuse to me.  I chose to put my free time into helping with the studio (it was a financially driven choice as well :)).  And then there is also the topic of genetics.  

I thoroughly enjoy being in the presence of running greatness.  It doesn't evoke something in me that makes me start degrading my own running history or future.  I fully understand what it takes to be an amazing athlete and can appreciate it.  I also understand the sacrifices.  Maybe this is my age, but I feel fortunate in my life.  I have a successful business, am able bodied and healthy and for the most part can do what I enjoy.  I don't have a desk job that I dread, etc.  And then when someone says they are embarrassed to say their time in a marathon; this saddens me too.  We all know the effort to accomplish the task, so maybe it isn't the fastest time but it is still 26.2 MILES!  Way to go!

So maybe before you degrade yourself, or worse, someone else for their good/bad time you should ask yourself why it evokes such a strong reaction.  I also tend to look at the big picture.  I have been running since I was nine.  I want to be running when I am 90, so if I fall off the wagon for a few months due to burn out/life I know I will be back.  Also, it is fun to take a few months off and try something new.  As a trainer I am NOT saying to stop being active, but it is okay to shake it up.  

Remember, if you don't make/keep it fun, you won't come back to it. This applies to all activities, not just running.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

NTC Challenge. Get in on this!!

I have preached about the awesomeness of NTC for a while now.  You should SERIOUSLY download this FREE app.  It is so easy to use and the possibilities are endless.  it is for all levels of fitness, and you can do a great workout in as little as fifteen minutes.  There are also several stretching routines, yoga routines among lots of other options.

My challenge to you, shall you (and you better) choose to accept it:  

Complete 45 min of NTC for 7 days straight.  You can break this up however you would like.  You could do 15 min am, 15 min lunch, 15 min dinner.  You could do 30 min, then a 15 min stretch sesh.  Today I did arm, leg and abs, 15 minutes of each.  It felt so good!  (I also rode the bike 5 miles and ran over 2.  I did .5 as part of warm up and then after completing tax prep ran almost 2 more).  

Tweet your completed workouts from the app with the hashtag #NTC7day45
it is just 7 days, you can work out hard for one week--I think you will be so happy with the results it will inspire you to keep it going.  I want to do this since I start training for my halves next week.  Let me know how it is going and GET MOVING!  there is a prize!!!  And you can't make up the minutes on another day--so do this right!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3 "short on time" workouts

I have a friend who is struggling a bit getting her workouts done.  (I am not throwing you under the bus friend!!  This is a common issue and just trying to offer some solutions!!) She works a 12 hour day and wants to get the workout done in the am.  So i created 3 circuit style workouts that take less than 20 minutes.  NO EXCUSES!  You could do these modifying the treadmill speeds to suit your needs.
Workout 1:
treadmill 3mph/4 incline 1 min (easy pace/uphill)
20 bicep curls -- hit failure by 20
treadmill 3/5 inchline 1 min (should be huffing)
15 biceps -- go heavier than first set and drop down if necc
treadmill 3mph/6 incline 1 min(should be huffing!)
10 biceps -- heaviest

treadmill 5 mph 1 min 0 incline
20 squats with 20# dbs
treadmill 4.5 mph 2incline (jogging/uphill)
20 squats with 20# dbs
treadmill 5 mph 0 incline 1 min (jog)

25 jumping jacks -- good ones--hands meet at top--not just flailing arms!
10 push ups
25 jumping jacks
20 shoulder presses
25 jumping jacks
10 push ups
25 jumping jacks
15 shoulder press (heavier)
25 jumping jacks
10 push ups
25 jumping jacks
10 presses (heaviest!)

20 flat crunches
10 bicycles per side
plank til failure--time yourself.

Good work!!! :)

Workout 2:
2 min on treadmill easy warm up
side lying leg lifts, top leg, push through heel, and turn toe down towards mat-20 reps,
then put top leg to back (knee bent)
20 inner thigh lifts--again pushing through heel and toe turned down towards mat
repeat 3 times then switch to other side
2 min on treadmill 3 mph 4 incline (easy pace/hill)
10 tricep push ups
20 step ups/leg with knee raise -- your choice as to weights or not
3 sets
2 min on treadmill 5 mph 2 min (easyish jog)
1 min 3 mph cool down

workout 3:
3 min on tread 3 mph (easy walk)
20 flat crunches
10 roll ups
20 butt lifts (legs to ceiling--it is as though your trying to touch heels to ceiling)
3 min on treadmill 4.5 mph (easy jog)
20/side cherry pickers (abs--not your military ones!! :))
10/side oblique crunches
20/side bicycles
3 min on treadmill 4.5 mph
plank 'til failure (time it)
swimming (face down opp arm and leg raise, look to fingers, then look to mat as you lower)10/side
10 roll ups
FYI:  flat crunches are simply legs crossed, lay back flat, hands by ears and exhale as you lift shoulders off mat, chin to ceiling, inhale as you lower.  That is it! :)
cherry pickers are legs straight up in the air perpendicular to your torso, reach opposite hand towards opposing ankle.  Be sure to lift entire shoulder blade off the mat!

These workouts require minimal equiptment, and minimal time.  Since they are short, they should be intense.  You can always repeat the workout to increase the time.  

Hope this gets you moving!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

it is all about creating a habit...

Sometimes you are going along fine, getting your workouts done, eating alright and then you are BAM! Derailed.  Sometimes the derailing is only a few days, sometimes you realize it after a few months or longer.  Either way, you have got to get back on the train.  So instead of wasting the time it takes to berate yourself, use that time wisely.  Get moving!  Start planning on your calendar your workouts.  

Make it doable.  

If it has been a while, start small. Start with 20 min/day.  If you feel like doing more after 20, go ahead, but don't go crazy the first day or two and over do it so you can't do anything the next day.  The first few weeks it is re-establishing the habit.   After a few weeks it becomes what you do.  Once you have established your routine/habit you can start increasing the time and intensity.  

While you are at it, start your food log again.  My recommendation for this is MYFITNESSPAL app.  It is available on smartphones and on the computer.  It is extremely user friendly and has a huge database of foods and activities.  It will guide you as to how much you should be eating to lose weight, maintain etc.  depending upon the goals you enter.  

Some people feel as though they should start one new thing at a time, however if you are going to "suffer" (to use the term some clients do) by having to workout, you might as well fuel your body for the workouts, and get all your "suffering" over with at once by ditching the processed foods.  And while I am on the subject, change your thought process too.  You are not "having to workout", you get to.  You want to.  You are doing your body/mind/soul good.  Change your words, it changes your thoughts, even if you have to fake it 'til you make it.

They (the professionals that conduct studies) claim it takes 3 weeks to create a habit.  So plan to make it through 3 weeks and reward yourself. NOT WITH FOOD!  Reward yourself with a massage, a new workout outfit, or take a new class, or a pedicure, or even a lipstick. It doesn't have to be expensive, but acknowledge and reward your good behavior.  And be honest with yourself, don't reward half-assed behavior.  

If you are having a tough time scheduling in your workouts, maybe you need to set up a daily reward system where you can't get on the computer/play games/clean house/etc until post workout.  These are common "excuses" for procrastinating a workout.  And trust me, after the workout you will have more energy to clean your house, then you can zone out to Pinterest! :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

awful workout!

Sometimes a workout just isn't happening.  I began yesterdays workout and about 20 minutes into it, I became ill.  I don't know what was going on, I had eaten a light breakfast about an hour before, I was hydrated... So after lying on the floor of my bathroom for an additional 20 minutes I peeled my clammy body up and went back home.  Several hours later, I went back out to my studio and finished it up.  

I was really ticked at myself for getting sick.  Maybe because I didn't know why?  But after relaxing for a bit and accomplishing some computer work I was procrastinating, I am glad I went back and finished it.

When I "don't feel like working out" I often give myself ten minutes.  If after ten minutes I am still not feeling it i can stop.  I have probably only stopped twice.  Most of the time after ten minutes I am good to go.  
 yesterday's workout was a "leg day".  Let's shape these puppies up!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women's Day

Today is international women's day.  all over social media there are encouraging posts to get active today to honor the women who have paved the way for the rest of us.  I am going to do a treadmill circuit and a barre workout.  What are you going to do?  Walk your dog? NTC? Dance around your house?  Get moving!!!! :)

Do you get motivated by other's posts of their activities?  Also, tomorrow is the LA marathon.  I have lots of twitter peeps that are running it and for whatever reason that motivates me...

Good luck to all of you running long runs, trying something new, racing, moving today and tomorrow!

working out while on vacation

One of the things I love about being on vacation is that I have ample time for getting my workout completed.  We were in Hawaii for ten days and I only had one day that I didn't complete a workout.  It was fantastic to run outside with shorts and a tank top.  I also utilized the on site gym which was actually fantastic.  Several times I did my barre dvd by using my laptop.  Doing my workouts made me feel a bit more confident having to put on a bathing suit every day!! :)

I was quite proud of my runs on my vacation, although short ones, I kept my miles at sub 8s!!  It certainly was the lack of elevation--but I will take it! 

While on vacation it is a great opportunity to run in a new place (you can run/walk anywhere) try a new class or new activity.  A vacation does not mean vacation from taking care of yourself.  Plus, for me, the workout was a great time I had to myself.  And since I stayed on track with my workouts, it kept me on track with eating too.  

Do you stay on track while on vacation?  

Monday, February 10, 2014

still on the challenge

I did three workouts saturday (day 4) to make up for my not so clean eating friday night.  I loved the barre workout I did, plus it was leg day according to the plan and then after going to the movie, Sunny and I did our cardio.  We alternated treadmill/elliptical every 5 minutes.  it was a lot of fun and broke up the time.  We did sprints, hills, etc.  Yesterday was the full body workout and of course, the 45 minutes of cardio. I did half the time on the treadmill and the other half on the elliptical.  

Today, I did not get the workout done :(.  I worked from 8-8 and i was hoping i would have more energy after work, but I don't.  I will definitely get it done tomorrow.  And i stayed with the clean eating. I will add an extra day to the challenge, too.

What is on your workout schedule this week?  If you are having a hard time staying motivated, try something new.  A new class, dvd, intervals, etc.  

Saturday, February 8, 2014

day 3 & 4 of challenge

Oops.  time escaped me yesterday and I didn't have enough time to post.  I did both workouts yesterday: the full body strength training (did it in 1:10 can't seem to break that even though David Kirsch claims it can be done in 45), and 45 minutes on the treadmill.  I broke it up by running 4 min and walking 1 at incline of 8.  It helps the time go by and changes up the working muscles.  I weighed in yesterday and SUCCESS!!  I was down 3 pounds and 1.5% body fat.  aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhuuuuuaaaa  angels singing.  However, last night we had an Opening Ceremonies party at Sunny's and I fell off the clean eating wagon.  i don't feel horribly guilty, however, since today I am back at it and am planning on doing an extra workout.  I am going to do the legs/core strength training on DK plan and treadmill but also am going to do an hour barre workout.  I received a dvd I ordered and can't wait to try it.  Yesterday I could see more definition in my arms/shoulders and that is motivating!!  

Lesson to be learned:  don't beat yourself up too bad for falling off track--just get back on ASAP.  And maybe penance, like doing an extra workout or add more time to your cardio etc. ?!?! 

This challenge is great, because you aren't hungry.  It is a challenge for some to fit in the workouts, but remember it's for two weeks--so if you have to get up early, or stay up a bit later it is only for two weeks.  And I guarantee by the end of two weeks you will have found time in your schedule to make it work.  And you will see how you CAN fit in working out.  And you can be full eating clean.  It is a great re-boot mentally and physically.  And his workouts have unique moves that are easy to learn but, challenging and effective.  i can't say enough good about this!!  

what is on your saturday workout agenda?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

day 2 of challenge

Yesterday I did the treadmill for 30 minutes (run 4 walk 1) and then the spinning bike for 15 and the Full body workout from The New York Ultimate Body Plan by David Kirsch.  I can really feel it today in my midsection front and back.  Not in a bad way, mind you, just that I worked muscles that have been neglected for some time.  It doesn't hurt that I have a glorious new studio in which to do my workouts.  Even though it has been ridiculously cold here (negative 31 today with WIND) the studio has great windows that let in the sunlight.  The food part of the challenge is going well so far.  I have spinach salads with tuna or salmon or boiled chicken and broccoli and peppers with my homemade dressing (red wine vinegar and smidge of grey poupon mustard and fresh garlic). After the workout I had a protein shake. And for dinner a spinach salad with veggies and roasted chicken breast, and cole slaw I made with red wine vinegar and pepper.  I felt full and was craving sugar before bed but I had a cup of tea and it passed.  

Today's workout is 45 minutes of cardio and a core  workout.  I am looking forward to it! This strength training workout is only a 15 minute one, so it won't be as time consuming as yesterday.  Tomorrow will be full body again with cardio and then saturday is leg and core (again 15 minutes) with cardio.  So every other day the time frame changes.  I think I am going to make some vegetable soup in the crock pot.  With these temps, it will be perfect.

I also want to try the new NTC yoga workout they released yesterday.  It too is 15 minutes and looks great.  Has anyone done it yet?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Starting a 2 week Challenge

I did this a few years ago and felt great.  Since I have been barely eeking out 30 minute workouts with the final stages of the studio construction, I really want to get back at it.  I am following the David Kirsch New York Body Plan.  It is all about clean eating, 45 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of strength training.  It is for two weeks. You can do anything for two weeks!!  I love the book because it has delicious recipes and he combats every excuse you could imagine.  This isn't gimmicky; it isn't drastic; it is do-able and very healthy.  Apparently there is a video that goes with the book for the strength training workout, but the book has the entire workout and is very easy to follow.  I have the book on my kindle and it is easy to reference.  I am excited to start this today and will be posting about it for the next two weeks.  

The food plan is NO A B C D E and F's.  no alcohol, no bread, no carbs, no dairy, no extra sweets/fats, no fruits.  You also do two protein shakes per day.  It would be hard to hit your needed caloric intake without them.  It is essentially lean meats and veggies.  You are allowed one tablespoon of olive oil for cooking and making your own salad dressing for the day.  When I did this the last time, i wasn't hungry.  I did miss cream in my coffee but I added a bit of protein powder and it was actually very good.  Day three for whatever reason was tough... but after that it felt GREAT!  I understand it is hard to fit in an hour and a half of activity a day -- but for two weeks and phenomenal results it is worth it.  

Anyone else in?  Has anyone else done this?  Let me know!  My motto is safety in numbers so let's try this together!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

NTC week!

If you are on twitter you must be aware it is #NTCweek.  The challenge is two-a-days either via the app (which i am certain that by now, you are logging the minutes!;)), or by live sessions in major cities.  I do not live near any live sessions but I have been trying to participate virtually.  My working out has been very minimal since most of my free time has been spent finishing up the new studio.  We are at the end stages and I can actually help during this part, so i have been trying to do my part.  Even with this tight schedule, I have been able to fit in a workout at lunch and a 15 minute one in the evening.  It feels good to be doing SOMETHING.  Also, Karen Poole (@superwomankw) is hosting a challenge for january. #ntcjanuary14 is the hashtag, along with this week using the hashtag #NTCweek. There are PRIZES!! :)

Two points I wanted to make during this post:  one, use the NTC app.  It is so amazingly user friendly and there is a lot of variety.  The second is that even with super busy hectic schedules, you can eek out SOMETHING!!!  I work approximately 12 hours and am lucky if I have a lunch hour, yet I have been at least fitting in a quick 2 miler with Wrigley and a few ntc sessions.  I get it; sometimes after a long day you want to plop on the couch and zone out.  But if you haven't already done your workout, opt for a quick 15 minute NTC session, or a quick mile or two on the treadmill (hey you could still watch tv!).  Sometimes after you get your blood pumping you will be motivated to do more, but i guarantee you won't regret getting it done, but you will regret not doing it. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mid January Check in and a reminder to sieze every moment!

I am just curious as to how everyone is following their workout schedules?  Sticking to the plan?  How is the food logging?  Any progress yet?  If you have fallen off the wagon already, dust yourself off and get back on!  A bad morning doesn't have to follow you through the day and a bad day doesn't have to make for a bad week.  

I am following the NTC get lean advanced program and it has added running.  It is a very manageable amount of exercise to fit into my life right now.  The studio is about a week shy of completion which completely amazes and boggles my mind! I can't wait to post some pics!  I feel so fortunate that this is happening.  I have had this vision for years, and that it is becoming a reality still feels surreal.  I couldn't have done it without my Hubbee, his dad, and some amazing friends and obviously super clients!  Thank you!!!! 

We received some tragic news this weekend.  My husband's cousin was in a fatal car accident.  I can't imagine what his family is going through, his wife and his son who is barely a teenager, along with three adult sons and a new grand baby... It reduced my husband to sobs when it finally set in.  I know we hear all the time, that one never knows when their time is up.  Speak your truths and live each day to its capacity.  Don't procrastinate, especially when it comes to sharing your feelings with loved ones.  

How are you going to seize this day?